October 23, 2024 ~ Shabbat BERESHIT. RAST.

Bayat - بياتي


Maqam Bayat (בייאת  / ביאת ) is the most common of the Syrian Maqamat. More songs in the pizmonim book are classified under this maqam than any other.

Bayat, which in Arabic means 'a complete oath of loyalty to an emir', symbolizes an pledge of allegience between two parties (as is the case with Bar Misvah- an oath between man and God).

Bayat is associated with the occasion of a Bar Misvah due to its wealth of Bar Misvah pizmonim. It is also associated with Mossaei Shabbat due to its mellow mood.

Damascus tradition is to use this maqam to close a Humash.


Bayat tetrachord: starting on D

Index of Pizmonim

Pizmon Page Song CommentaryRecordings Application
299.11 237k שמחה שמחה אהל שמחה Arabic: "Linda Linda" F Samra
299.99 238 פזמונים במקאם ביאת Assorted Songs
300 238 יחיד רם לעולם Raphael Tabbush First song at all Sebets. The initials at the beginning of each stanza form the acrostic 'Yosef'. Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript M. Tawil
G. Shrem
Fule Yanani
Moshe Diib Laniado
Moshe Dwek
301 239 למה בא אויבי Raphael Tabbush Arabic Melody: لما بان. Tabbush Manuscript Darwish El Hariri
Maury Blanco
302 239 נורא ורם Raphael Tabbush The pizmon incorporates the poet's name and hints at the shortest prayer in the Bible, "El na Refah na Lah", "Oh God, pray heal her now" (Numbers 12:13). The Text of this pizmon calls of God to "heal my sickness and pain". The pizmon also asks God to banish the "son of Hagar". Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript S. Salem
E. Sayegh
Fule Yanani
G. Shrem
G. Shrem
Y Nahari
H Abraham Zafrani
D Binker-Duek
303 239 יהי נא לן נחת Tabbush Manuscript G. Shrem
G. Shrem
Maury Blanco
304 240 אתה סתרי אל נורא אלי Hamaoui Manuscript E. Sayegh
305 240 יפת עין לבבתיני Ezra Attiah Siman "Yeshaya". Yeshaya is the name of his father. Pizmon for Abi HaBat. Y. Hamaoui
Fule Yanani
I. Cabasso- Nishmat
G. Shrem
R Barzani- Nishmat
R Barzani- Keter
Moshe Dwek
Moshe Dwek - Nishmat
Moshe Dwek - Qaddish
Moshe Dwek - Qaddish
Moshe Dwek - Qaddish
306 241 אל יצרת Raphael Tabbush Aseret Yeme Teshubah. Can be used for Shabbats of Maqam Bayat-Hijaz. Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript G. Shrem
G. Shrem - Qedusha
G. Shrem
R Elnadav- Qaddish
Naftali Tawil- Qedusha
I Cabasso- Nishmat
307 241 עז ומחית Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript S. Salem
Moshe Diib Laniado
M Habusha
Iraqi- Maqam Bayat
Maury Blanco
308 242 יה אלי מהר Raphael Tabbush Title in Red Book of "Abd Al Ekhoua" is incorrect. The actual title is “min abli mah ahwah algamal.” I. Cabasso- Nishmat
M Tawil
S. Salem
Y. Bozo
Amos Dodi
G. Shrem
M Habusha
Isaac Cabasso- Nishmat
I Cabasso- Nishmat 3
Naftali Tawil- Nishmat
Maury Blanco
309 242 אני אגיד בקהל עם זו Arabic: Ahd El Ekhewwa. DOR in Maqam Bayat. M. Nadaf
S. Salem
E. Menaged
I. Cabasso- Qaddish
Amos Dodi
E Menaged- Qaddish
Arabic: Ahd El Ekhewwa
H Obadia Yosef
Maury Blanco
310 242 חנני מלך רחמן Habib Tabbush Manuscript S. Salem
E. Sayegh
Y. Bozo
Amos Dodi
Moshe Diib Laniado
311 243 שבחו אל רוממו Hatan/Kallah. British Library Or. 10375 E. Sayegh Kaddish
G. Shrem
E. Sayegh
G. Shrem
I Cabasso- Nishmat
312 243 אויבי הכני Arabic is "Hebbi Da'ani" sung by 'ABD EL HAI HILMI. S. Salem
Moshe Diib Laniado
Maury Blanco
313 243 אבוא אל ציון I. Cabasso
E Sayegh
Moshe Habusha
314 244 היכלו היכלו Raphael Tabbush Hanukkah. Thanking God for the deliverence against the enemies. Like "Al Hanissim", this song opens and closes with the Beit Hamikdash. This song also mentions Matityahu and the lighting of the Menora. Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 M. Nadaf
Maury Blanco
Moshe Eliahou
315 244 יחידתי בת אימה Raphael Tabbush I. Cabasso
316 245a למה אויבי רדפוני I. Cabasso
317 245a אנא הקשב לצפצופי
318 245a אל גאל עם נזנח Arabic: El kamal fel maleh Arabic: version of Cheikh Yousef el Many
Moshe Diib Laniado
David Saliah, Knis Ades
Arabic: version of Cheikh Sayed el Safdi
Maury Blanco
319 246 מעזי אז כלה קץ Raphael Tabbush “Mauzi,” or “My Fortress” (BAYAT, page 246), is a song that is very popular. H Raphael Tabbush is likely the author of this pizmon, but this is uncertain. The melody of this song is from the Arabic song “Baladi Askara Min Araf il Lama.” This song is associated with the Shalosh Regalim festivals due to a brief reference to them. The melody of this pizmon is typically applied to Shav’at Aniyim for weeks of Maqam BAYAT. Despite this being a song for the most happy of holidays, this song is actually very sad. It asks why has God abandoned us and why has the Messiah not yet arrived? It describes how our enemies have taken over our vineyards and have killed us. The climax of the song, “Al Damam,” describes how “my tears fall on their blood" (the blood of fellow Jews) and how our tears are enough to fill rivers. The four verse piece concludes with an open question: “Where has my Beloved gone; to Whom I rejoice three times a year?” Commentary on Pizmon N. Salem
Ezra Sayegh
E. Menaged
Fule Yanani
I. Cabasso- Shav'at
G. Shrem
R Barzani- Shaveat
I Cabasso
E Sayegh
D Binker-Duek
Moshe Dwek
Moshe Dwek
Moshe Dwek - SA
Moshe Dwek - Mauzi
שועת עניים
320 246 חביבי הב J. Mosseri
I. Cabasso
321 247 שא לזנוחך E. Menaged
Moshe Ner Geon
Moshe Diib Laniado
Amos Dodi
H Obadia Yosef
Maury Blanco and Aram Soba Orchestra
322 247 ארחם יפה דודי
323 248 אלי לידי מלא Shabbat Hazon.
324 248 חזק אל ידי I. Cabasso
325 249 תדום נפשי תדום Shelomo Tob Cohen
326 249 ארוממך לכבוד שמך This pizmon (BAYAT, page 249), “I Will Exalt Thee,” is associated with the Shalosh Regalim festivals, and specifically Sukkot. This rhyming song is composed by H Raphael Antebi Tabbush (d. 1918). The theme of the song is praising God during the joyous pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem. Among the reasons listed of why God is praised are: He performed miracles for us, destroyed our enemies, gave us the Torah, lifted us from bondage, forgives our transgressions, listens to our cries, and heals the sick. In this song, there are 22 stanzas, corresponding to the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, and each stanza ends with the chorus: “Le’ir Sion, Har Qodshekha, Sham Nismah Ve’naale” (To the City of Zion, Your Holy Mountain; There will we rejoice and ascend). The last stanza is a prayer for the arrival of Eliahou to herald the redemption, which "everyone is yearning for.” In addition to singing “Aromimkha” on the Shalosh Regalim, it is commonly chanted during the Haqafot of Simhat Torah. The melody of this can be applied to Mimisrayim on Shabbat Hol Hamoed. Tabbush Manuscript Fule Yanani
G. Shrem
Moshe Dwek
327 251 חיש זמנו Raphael Tabbush A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 Arabic- Hai Zaino Zaino
F Samra
328 252 אנא קץ לי Nissim Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript G. Shrem
Moshe Dwek
ה' מלך
329 252 עדתי הנעה תהללך Nissim
330 253 רם צורי נעלה Raphael Tabbush J. Mosseri
330.1 253a עדינה מראיך הראיני ASaban Abi HaBat; Abraham Sasson. 1983. F Samra
331 254 אל רם ואיום E. Marcus
J. Mosseri
I Cabasso- Shavat
Naftali Tawil- Shavat
שועת עניים
332 254 מה טוב חלקך Hatan. British Library Or. 10375 I. Dayan
שועת עניים
333 255 ידידי השכחת Matan Torah. Yosef Hamaoui
M Kairey
G. Shrem
334 256 אשיר לאל איום אני יצחק דבח חזק Song for the months of the year. Usually applied for Semehim the Shabbat prior to Rosh Hodesh Nissan. Attiah Manuscript Abraham Sitehon Manuscript D Binker-Duek
D Binker- Semehim
335 257 יתן אל שלמא רבא ישעיה Gabi Falak
Gabi Falak- Keter
336 257 רנה ותהלה ישראל Raphael Tabbush This pizmon (BAYAT, page 257), translated as "Rejoice and Praise," is the flagship song for Rosh Hashana. It is composed by H Raphael Antebi Tabbush and it's five stanzas spell the acrostic "Rephael Hazaq." The melody is from the Arabic song "Ghussnu Ban Jabinahu El Badru." According to H Moshe Ashear, this song is used as the Pizmon Sefer Torah on the second day of Rosh Hashana, as well as for Semehim on Shabbat Mishpatim. There are many themes of Rosh Hashana that are alluded to in this song. In the first stanza, Israel prepares a song in order to praise God. The second stanza says that our mouths and our hearts will become pure, and at the beginning of the year (Rosh Hashana), our hearts awaken from the sounds of the Shofar. It is during this time, the Days of Awe, that we say the Confessions, in order to refrain from all transgressions, and in order to become pure before God (third stanza). In the fourth stanza, the author prays for God's children to be written in the Book of Life and for the destruction of Israel's enemies. The final verse is a charge for the nation to strengthen and to observe the Sabbath in order for God to speedily bring us to the end of days. Tabbush Manuscript M Kairey
Fule Yanani
Maury Blanco
Moshe Dwek
337 258 ידי אשא לדבירך יוסף חזק Mossaei Shalosh Regalim. Attiah Manuscript Yabess Manuscript Abraham Sitehon Manuscript G. Shrem
Moshe Dwek
Moshe Dwek
ראו בנים
338 259 אדיר אל נעלה אבטליון Simhat HaSho'eba. Abraham Sitehon Manuscript Yabess Manuscript Attiah Manuscript
338.1 318br רם גלה לקץ הנסתם Raphael Tabbush Hamaoui Manuscript Recording
339 260 לשם יי צבאות Moses Ashear Bar Misvah. Ashear Manuscript I. Cabasso
340 260 בעדי יה בעדי Moses Ashear Ashear Manuscript G. Shrem
Naftali Tawil- EH
Moshe Dwek
Moshe Dwek - EH
Moshe Dwek - Qaddish
אל ההודאות
341 261 הבו גודל Moses Ashear Bar Misvah. Ashear Manuscript M Kairey
Moe Tawil
Moshe Dwek
שועת עניים
342 262 אבות הבנים Moses Ashear Gindi Bar Misvah. Ashear Manuscript M Kairey
Moshe Dwek
343 263 מה יפו לי פעמיך Moses Ashear Bijou. Ashear Manuscript I. Cabasso
Shrem and Cabby
344 264 מענה לשון Moses Ashear Safdieh. Ashear Manuscript I. Cabasso
I. Cabasso- Qedusha
M. Nadaf
Naftali Tawil- Halleluya
Shrem and Cabby
345 265 מלך צור עולמים Moses Ashear Pre 1928 for Hebrat Qehal Qadosh Agudath Ahim. חברת אגודת אחים / Hebrath Agudath Ahim / The oriental Hebrew Aid Society and Congregation, 87 Eldridge Street, New York. Ashear Manuscript E. Menaged
E. Menaged 2
E. Menaged 3
I Cabasso
346 266 אל מאד נעלה Moses Ashear The pizmon “El Meod Na’ala” (BAYAT, page 266) is one of the most famous compositions written by cantor H Moshe Ashear (1877-1940). This was written in honor of the groom Mr Elie J Gindi (born in 1900, Syria) for his wedding (circa 1924 in Brooklyn, NY). The acrostic of the pizmon is “Eliah Moshe” with the first word of each of the three stanzas spelling “Eliah” and the second word of each stanza spelling “Moshe.” The names of the bride’s father, Moses (Attieh), and the bride, Rachel, are alluded to in the first and third stanza’s respectively. The melody of this pizmon is from polka music from Istanbul, Turkey. In the prayers, this melody is commonly applied to Semehim on weeks of Maqam BAYAT. This song is also traditionally used as the PIZMON SEFER TORAH for Shabbat Shemot because of it mentioning Moshe and Aharon, two important people introduced in this Torah portion. Ashear Manuscript I. Cabasso- Semehim
Yosef Hamaoui
G. Shrem
R. Elnadav
R Barzani- Shaveat
Moshe Dwek
Moshe Dwek - HM
Moshe Dwek - Semehim
Moshe Dwek - Naqdishakh
347 266 מכון לשבתך עולמים Moses Ashear Bijou. Ashear Manuscript
348 267 אל צור מחסה Moses Ashear Ashear Manuscript Arabic
349 267 הודך יה תנה לי Moses Ashear Wedding of Ezra S Tawil. Song is a mixture of Bayat and Hijaz. Ashear Manuscript M. Nadaf
E. Menaged
I. Cabasso Qaddish
I. Cabasso Qaddish
I Cabasso- Naqdishakh
I Cabasso - Pizmon
350 268 'הללו את ה Moses Ashear Matan Torah. Ashear Manuscript Yosef Hamaoui
G. Shrem
I Cabasso
I Cabasso
351 269 איומה לי שובי בחבה Moses Ashear Ashear Manuscript I. Cabasso
Maury Blanco
Shabetai Laniado
352 270 לדודי נא Moses Ashear Ashear Manuscript I. Cabasso
353 270 מראש אמנה Moses Ashear Ashear Manuscript
354 272 תנהלני לעיר כבודך Moses Ashear Serure. Ashear Manuscript I. Cabasso
355 273 יה הושיעה עדתי Moses Ashear Wedding of Jacob Isaac Cabasso, father of Eli and Isaac J Cabasso. Ashear Manuscript Photograph of Isaac Cabasso with DMB I. Cabasso
I Cabasso 2
356 274 אל חי שוכן Moses Ashear Paragraph 1 can be applied to El Hahodaot and Paragraph 3 can be applied to Qaddish. Appropriate for Shabbat Re'eh. Arabic is sung by Daoud Hosni. Ashear Manuscript E. Menaged
E. Menaged 2
M. Nadaf
I. Cabasso Qaddish
Arabic: El Qalb Fi Hob
I Cabasso- EH & Qaddish
357 274 אות אלף מאלפת א''ב Aleph Bet Song. Attiah Manuscript Shrem Manuscript Abraham Sitehon Manuscript Yabess Manuscript Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript G. Shrem
G. Shrem
Naftali Tawil- Semehim
Shabetai Laniado- HM
Moshe Dwek
Moshe Dwek - Nishmat
אל ההודאות
358 276 אל דורשה נפשי Raphael Tabbush Tabbush Manuscript G. Shrem
I. Cabasso- Mimisrayim
E. Menaged- Mimisrayim
Yosef Hamaoui
G. Shrem
Moshe Dwek
359 276 אבי כחותם שימני Shrem Manuscript I. Cabasso- Qedusha
G. Shrem
360 277 יוצר אדמה This pizmon (BAYAT, page 277), whose title translates as "Former of Earth, Creator of Heaven," is an ode to the Tefillin (phylacteries). Tefillin are small leather boxes containing biblical texts that are worn at prayers. Composed in the mid-nineteenth century in Aleppo by a "H Meir Sasson" (acrostic: מאיר ששון), this song is most associated with the Bar Misvah ceremony; when, traditionally, a 13 year old boy wears the Tefillin for the first time. There are 8 rhyming stanzas in this song with opening line, "Yosser Adama," serving as the repeating chorus. The melody of this pizmon, adapted from the Arabic song "Saq Al Morama," can be applied to Hashem Melekh when praying in Maqam BAYAT. Throughout the stanzas, different aspects of the Tefillin are alluded to (i.e. four compartments, written on parchment, letters Shin, Dalet, and Yod, etc). The fifth stanza is a reminder that the misvah of the Tefillin needs to be safeguarded, and that wearing them shows God's glory. The sixth stanza states that Tefillin also serves as a protective shield against evil. The song concludes with a prayer for God to take revenge on all those who do not uphold the various commandments (such as the Tefillin). British Library Or. 10375 G. Shrem
M Kairey
Moshe Dwek
Moshe Dwek - HM
Moshe Dwek - Semehim
ה' מלך
361 278 לך חילי Ezekiel Dweck Shrem Manuscript I. Cabasso
362 278 אל נעלה רפא Moses Ashear Eli Ashear Bar Misvah. Kislev 1929. Leaflet Yosef Hamaoui
G. Shrem
I Cabasso
I Cabasso
I Cabasso- Nishmat
363 280 שובי העדי Moses Ashear Written May 26, 1940. Song in memory of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai, for Lag LaOmer. Leaflet G. Shrem
I. Cabasso
G. Shrem
G. Shrem
364 282 יה נורא ונשגב Moses Ashear Mordechai Israel Missry Bar Misvah. March 19, 1935. Leaflet I. Cabasso
365 284 לאל עתרתי תעלה Moses Ashear David Moshe Ashear Wedding. March 14, 1937. Leaflet I. Cabasso
366 286 אשיר לאל דר זבולה Moses Ashear Wedding of Isaac Shaul Semah. August 25, 1940. This is the last documented pizmon of Moshe Ashear; written a month before his demise. Shrem Manuscript Leaflet E. Marcus
367 287 מבטן אתה הוא גוחי Moses Ashear Moshe Pinehas Schwecky Bar Misvah. Sivan 1931. Leaflet
368 288 אנא אנא אימא Moses Ashear Moshe Pinehas Schwecky Bar Misvah. Sivan 1931. Leaflet I. Cabasso
369 289 מגן עוזר רם ונורא Moses Ashear Isaac Joseph Shasho Bar Misvah. 12/21/1934. Leaflet Arabic
370 289 יה אותי על ידי Moses Ashear Shasho Bar Misvah. Continuation of above song. 12/21/1934. Arabic
371 291 יחידה התנערי Moses Ashear Bar Misvah of Joe Saff. The pizmon contains references to Bar Mitzvah as well as allusions to the particular situation of the Saff family. 1933. Leaflet Photograph of Joseph E Saff I. Cabasso
372 292 דברי שירתי- מגן בעדי Moses Ashear In honor of birth of Moshe Ashear's grandson. December 10, 1937. Shrem Manuscript Leaflet Arabic
Yosef Hamaoui
J. Mosseri
G. Shrem
Moshe Dwek
Moshe Dwek - Haleluya
Moshe Dwek - EH
Moshe Dwek - Qaddish
ראו בנים
373 293 יחיד אלהי קדם Moses Ashear Hatan Yehezqel Haim Shalom. Tishri 1929. Leaflet J. Mosseri
E. Sayegh: Haleluyah
Naftali Tawil- Nishmat
374 294 אלהי אבי הקשב Moses Ashear Wedding of Abraham Eliahou Abad il-Wahad. April 21, 1940. Leaflet
375 296 מרום יחיד Moses Ashear Joseph Isaac Shalom Bar Misvah. Kislev 1930. Leaflet Photograph of Isaac Shalom G. Shrem
Naftali Tawil- Qedusha
Moshe Dwek
Moshe Dwek - Naqdishakh
376 297 מאל עליון Moses Ashear Joseph Isaac Shalom Bar Misvah. Kislev 1930. Leaflet Isaac and Alice Shalom Family G. Shrem
Moshe Dwek
377 298 לך קראתי יה Moses Ashear Arabic
G. Shrem
378 299 מה נעימה ויפה Moses Ashear Husney Bar Misvah; 8/29/1935. Starts Bayat and switches to Hijaz. Leaflet M. Nadaf
379 299 אני לו אשיר Moses Ashear Continuation of previous song. Abdel Wahab song EL NIL NAGASHI. The section that Menaged is using is minute 2:40 through 4:20 of the Arabic song. In the pizmon it's from the 5th line on page 300 (Malkekh Yinhar) until the 12th line (El Ahoub Yahel Lah). Leaflet I. Cabasso
I. Cabasso - only page 300
E. Menaged
H Obadia Yosef
שועת עניים
380 301 יחיד מרומי EDweck Bar Mitzvah song. Written by Ezra Dweck and Gabriel A Shrem for the Bar Mitzvah of Albert Joseph Shehebar. Photograph of Abraham S Chehebar Family Handwritten by G Shrem Arabic
381 302 שבחך אני אגידה Ezra Mishaniye Composed by Hakham Ezra Mishaniye for Nissim Franco, Hazzan of Congregation Magen David and subsequently Shaare Zion (Brooklyn, New York), for the occasion of the Bar Misvah of his son, Steve Franco (yeshaya) . It is sung to the Arabic melody of ANI MANI RAYISAH. Can be applied to Odecha or Keter. Bar Misvah on January 19, 1950. Leaflet Photograph of Nathan Nissim Franco G. Shrem
I Cabasso- Semehim
Moshe Dwek
Moshe Dwek - SA, BY
Moshe Dwek - Qaddish
Moshe Dwek - Qaddish
Moshe Dwek - Rau Banim
382 304 חוס לעמך Ezra Mishaniye Sam Haddad- "Simbol" (Joseph) Kassin Wedding. December 1, 1951. Leaflet I Cabasso
383 306 עזרי אקרא יה Ezra Mishaniye This pizmon is the introductory music of the following song, "Hallet Ya Rabie." Leaflet Arabic
Shelomo Tob Cohen
384 307 אהלל ואביע מהללך Ezra Mishaniye Bar Misvah song for Jack Isaac Mevorach. May 8, 1950. Arabic is HALLET YA RABIE- MOHAMED ABDELWAHAB. Arabic
385 308 מעזם קרנם Ezra Mishaniye Arabic Melody: عل نسوان يا سلم سلام. Bar Misvah of Shelomo E Laniado, son of Eli Laniado, the President of Congregation Shaare Zion. April 1, 1948. Leaflet Sayed Darwish (1918)
386 309 תן נחלה עיר המזרח Ezra Mishaniye Bar Misvah of David Yehuda Safdiah. August 16, 1948. Leaflet Abdel Wahab
Moshe Mustachi
387 311 יה אל הבט למענה Ezekiel Dweck Written during the time of the Holocaust. Shrem Manuscript I. Cabasso- Qaddish
M. Nadaf
M. Nadaf 2
I Cabasso- SA
388 312 שירו שיר חדוה Ezekiel Hai Albeg This special pizmon (BAYAT, page 312) is composed to the Arabic melody of "Al Hiya Helwa" by Cantor Ezekiel Hai Albeg in honor of the Bar Misvah of Benny Levy (1939-2024) son of Olga and Elie Bechor Levy. Benny Levy is one of the pioneers of Ahi Ezer Congregation. It is said about him that he lived a humble yet fulfilling life. He passed away the 24th of Adar 1, 5784 (which is March 4, 2024). The melody of this song can be applied to Semehim when prayers are conducted in Maqam BAYAT. Photo of Benny Bechor Levy (1939-2024) Fule Yanani
I. Cabasso
Isaac Cabasso- Qaddish
Shrem and Cabby
Moshe Dwek
389 313 צור יה אל Ezekiel Hai Albeg This pizmon (BAYAT, page 313), whose opening words translate as "Rock, Lord, God, King of the Universe, Unto You Are My Thoughts" was written in the early 1950's by Cantor Ezekiel H Albeg. It was written as a birthday dedication to Mr Charles A Serouya (d. 2005), the President of Young Magen David (YMD). "Charlie", as he was affectionately known, had a rare vibrant personality and devoted most of his life to supporting synagogue causes. The unique group that he created, Young Magen David, or "Charlie's Shul," was the first self-governing 'Youth Minyan' in the Community. The opening words of the song, "Sur Ya El," are a play on Charlie's last name "Serouya," and the acrostic of the song is "צעירי מגן דוד" (Young Magen David). The melody of this song is an instrumental piece called "Bint al-Balad" (Daughter of the Country) by Mohammad 'Abd al-Wahab. What made the composition of this pizmon extremely difficult is that the original Arabic piece, a bashraf, had no words; only a recurring melody. It was only at Gabriel A Shrem's insistence that Cantor Albeg undertook the challenge of composing beautiful Hebrew words to this catchy melody. Photograph of Charlie Serouya M Kairey
S. Salem
M. Tawil
390 316 יובילני M. Nadaf
M. Nadaf - Halleluya
M. Nadaf - Halleluya 2
Naftali Tawil- Nishmat
391 317 עבד יאמר בלב נשבר Attiah Manuscript Yabess Manuscript Shire Zimrah, Algiers, 1889 D Binker-Duek
D Binker-Duek - Naqdishakh
391.01 318 אל יחיד Composed by H Ezra Dweck in honor of Hazzan Yosef Hamoui's wedding to Rosie Savdie, daughter of H Halfon Savdie. The Arabic song is Min Be'id LeBe'id Habetak. Sung by Nour El Houda (1924-1998). She was a singer and actress whose career spanned from 1942-1971. Arabic
Saul Hassoun
391.02 318a חביבי יה חביבי Asher Mizrahi Maqam Kourd Siman: Asher. Lahan: Habibi Dah Habibi. E. Sayegh
Saul Nobeh Betesh
Moshe Dwek
391.03 318b אל רם חביב Haim S Aboud Arabic
391.04 318c אל יה גרש שודדי Arabic
Hebrew Recording
391.05 318c קולי שמעה I. Cabasso
I. Cabasso - El Hahodaot
R. Elnadav
אל ההודאות
391.06 318d יקרך ישירו M. Habusha
R. Elnadav
R Barzani- Nishmat
391.07 318e יה אלי ברך קהל Arabic
Albert Cohen Saban
Saul Nobeh Betesh
Y Nahari- Qaddish
391.08 318g אמץ קהלך Arabic
Yehezkel Sion
Albert Cohen Saban
שועת עניים
391.081 318bc הלילה לילה לילה Moshe Eliahou F. Yanani
391.082 יפת עמי יעקב Song for wedding. Argentinian book page 308. Shaare Zimra, Argentina F. Yanani
391.084 318al חכמה בינה יה אלי Pinehas Bobo Song for wedding. F. Yanani
391.085 זבולי שוב יעקב עבדי Bar Misvah. Argentina Book page 317. Shaare Zimra, Argentina F. Yanani
391.086 יחיד ברך לעמך יעקב עבאדי Bar Misvah. Argentina Book page 318. Shaare Zimra, Argentina F. Yanani
391.087 אני אשיר בקול זמרה אליהו Bar Misvah. Argentina Book page 319. Shaare Zimra, Argentina F. Yanani
391.088 אל רם ונעלם יעקב עבדי Bar Misvah. Argentina Book page 321. Shaare Zimra, Argentina F. Yanani
391.089 בכתר תורה Argentina Book. F. Yanani
391.0891 318k ביתי כוננה Ezra Rabia Sitehon Y. Bozo
Ram Mizrachi- Qaddish
391.0892 318at יה משה נא Selim Salem S. Salem
391.09 318h לך אנה עורך NLevy Maqam Nahwand Arabic
R Barzani- Qaddish
Hebrew Recording
Moshe Dwek - Qaddish
Moshe Dwek - Qaddish