October 23, 2024 ~ Shabbat BERESHIT. RAST.

H Abraham Isaac Antebi (1765-1858)

Adapted by David M Betesh

H Abraham Isaac Antebi was born in Aleppo in 1765. He was the son of H Isaac Shabtai Antebi and the student of H Isaac Berakha and H Isaiah Dabbah. When his father passed on, he succeeded him as the head of the Bet Din (Rabbinical Court) in Aleppo. By 1817, he was appointed as Chief Rabbi of Aleppo. He is the uncle of H Yaaqob David Antebi, the Chief Rabbi of Damascus, who was involved in the Damascus Affair of 1840. 
His deputy for many years was H Haim Mordekhai Labaton. Their joint tenure was marked by stability and by efforts to strengthen the esteem and the authority of the Bet Din, whose status had been somewhat undermined by the Ottoman reforms, leaving only matters of personal status under its jurisdiction.
H Antebi's strong views and attitudes on Torah, Halakha, Qabbalah, in the face of the Enlightenment, prevented the downfall of Halakha observance among the Aleppo Jewish community. He served as Chief Rabbi of Aleppo for more than 40 years.
In addition to the many pizmonim that he composed (included on this website), he wrote books on a variety of topics:
(1) "Yosheb Ohalim" (Livorno, 1825) - This book is divided into two sections: "Ohel Abraham" and "Ohel YisHaq." The subject of "Ohel Abraham" are Torah sermons on the Exodus and on Passover. The subject of "Ohel YisHaq" are sermons written by his father, H Isaac Shabtai Antebi. This book was written in a time when H Antebi was living in a tent-camp outside Aleppo with many other refugees who escaped from the city after it was destroyed by an earthquake in August 1822.
(2) "Penei HaBayit"- Analytic commentary on the teachings of Rabbi Shelomo ben Adrat (Rashba) with regard to the rules of slaughtering. In 1849, he published another book bearing the same name "Penei HaBayit" consisted of original Torah thoughts. This book was bound also with his father's book, "Bet Ab", original thoughts on the Rambam.
(3) "Mor VeAholot" - 1843 - Responsa on a variety of topics.
(4) "Ohel Yesharim" - (Livorno, 1843) - Exhortations for moral and spiritual development, collected from many books and from the Midrashim. The most important part of this book is the last one: "Shaar HaShir", against the custom of singing Arab flirtation songs. In the end of this book, there is a collection of his pizmonim.
(5) "Hokhma U'Musar" (Livorno, 1850) - On ethical conduct, to which is added "Derekh Huqekha" laws of the festivals (original thoughts and rulings on the laws of Passover) and also contains Huqei Nashim, matrimonial law based chiefly on the responsa of David b Solomon Abi Zimra.
(6) "Penei Ohel Moed" (Jerusalem, 1959) - Containing two eulogies which were delivered on the death of H Abraham Antebi by H Haim Mordekhai Labaton and another unknown scholar. There are also Shabbat sermons for Rosh haShana and for the "the special Sabbaths" which are four in the year (the Shabbats before Yom Kippur, Purim, Pesah, and Shabuot).
H Abraham Antebi's works are an important source for the cultural social and economic life of the Jews of Syria. To this day, legends are current in praise of him and the wonders, which he performed.
H Abraham Antebi passed away in Aleppo on 28 Tevet 1858 at age 93.
May his memory be blessed.



Section Pizmon Page Song CommentaryRecordings Application
Baqashot 55 63 אור צח ופשוט Maqam Sigah Written by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), chief rabbi of Aleppo, and author of “Ohel Yesharim” (Livorno 1822). This melody of the pizmon was intended to be that of EL MISTATER. However, this is not the tune that is currently practiced. Sigah. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
Ohabe Zion 1960
Rahawi Nawah 442 366 אל מתנשא לכל לראש לפניך היום תדרוש סליחתם Nawah. אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843. Attiah Manuscript Abraham Sitehon Manuscript Shire Zimrah, Algiers, 1889 A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 Maury Blanco
Saba 495 410 אתה אהובי Ata Ahubi (SABA, page 410), translated as "You are my Beloved," is the first song heard in a young boy's life; at his Berit Milah at eight days old. Composed by the illustrious H Abraham I Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo, the song has the acrostic "Abraham Hazaq." Each of the 6 stanzas end with the word "Eyn," meaning eye. In the first stanza, the author thanks God for "Him giving happiness in my heart" and is comforted that "in You, I can lean." The next four stanzas refer to the Berit Milah, the covenant between God and Abraham, and allude to some of its festive rituals. The last stanza, in the original version of the song, states "Strengthen Aram Soba (Aleppo), the good city, and also the [resting] place of the master, Ezra [HaSofer], a fine pearl that the eye shall see." In later publications, in an attempt to standardize the song, this last stanza was altered to remove the references to Aleppo. This melody is applied to Naqdishakh preceding a Berit Milah as well as on Shabbat Lekh Lekha and Tazria. Attiah Manuscript Yabess Manuscript Abraham Sitehon Manuscript Shire Zimrah, Algiers, 1889 M Tawil
Fule Yanani
I Cabasso
R Barzani- Semehim
Nahari- Naqdishakh
Moshe Dwek
Moshe Dwek - Naqdishakh
Saba 508.2 424a אך טוב לישראל אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843. Attiah Manuscript Abraham Sitehon Manuscript Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript
Hijaz 587 486 אם חכם לבך בני The pizmon, "Eem Hakham" (HIJAZ, page 486), is composed by H Abraham Isaac Antebi (1765-1858), the former Chief Rabbi of Aleppo (starting 1817), and composer of many pizmonim. This pizmon is first found in his book "Ohel Yesharim," published in 1843, and has been included in most handwritten manuscripts of this time period. Many of Antebi's books had the word "Ohel" in it, because this Rabbi witnessed a massive earthquake in Aleppo causing most of the city to become refugees and live in tents ("ohel"). The content of this pizmon is a letter from a father to his son (on his wedding day) asking him to follow his advice on how he should live his life and bestowing him with the many blessings of Abraham and Isaac. This father tells his son that while he should always pursue wisdom and sciences, he should always "know" the God of his forefathers. The melody of this pizmon is from the Arabic song "Ya Sukri Yabu il Shemat." This melody can be applied to El Hahodaot on weeks of Maqam HIJAZ. Attiah Manuscript Abraham Sitehon Manuscript Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript British Library Or. 10375 G. Shrem
Moshe Dwek
Moshe Dwek - Nishmat
961 אז אשירה שיר ידידות Maqam Shahawarkh אברהם. Maqam Isfahan or Shahawarkh. שועת עניים
968 אשיר שיר בניב הגייוני Maqam Mahwarna
1401 אמור יאמר עבד אב רם Maqam Awj-Oj אברהם חזק. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843.
1638 אב המון גויים הכיר יחודו Maqam Saba אברהם חזק
1666 אתה האל עושה פלא Maqam Saba אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843.
1830 אל גדול איתך מי רב Maqam Sigah אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843.
1860 אתה האל נורא Maqam Bayat אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843.
1924 אשיר אפצח בליל פסח Maqam Bayat אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843.
2649 אחזה נעימות Maqam Hijaz אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843.
2685 יונתי בשיר הרניני Maqam Isfahan אברהם חזק. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843. Abraham Antebi, Ohel Yesharim, 1843
2686 אלי חון על עדתך אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843.
2687 אלי צורי דגלי ורם אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843. Abraham Antebi, Ohel Yesharim, 1843
2689 אל שוכן עד במרומים אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843.
2690 אז תשמח במחול בתולה Maqam Awj-Oj אברהם חזק. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843. Abraham Antebi, Ohel Yesharim, 1843
2691 אומר לך נטע נעמן Maqam Awj-Oj אברהם חזק. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843.
2693 אומרה לאל סלעי Maqam Ashiran אברהם חזק. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843. Abraham Antebi, Ohel Yesharim, 1843
2694 אקרא אברך לפני חתן Maqam Ashiran אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843. Abraham Antebi, Ohel Yesharim, 1843
2695 אל שועתי האזינה יום קראי אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843.
2696 אעיר רנה בתוך עם Maqam Sigah אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843.
2698 אלי זה ואנוהו אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843.
2699 אבוא אל בית אל ברנה אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843.
2700 אערוך שיר כפי כוחי Maqam Awj-Oj אברהם חזק. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843.
2702 ארץ חפץ לך קראתי Maqam Saba אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843.
2703 אורי ישעי לך אקרא ענני Maqam Saba אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843. Abraham Antebi, Ohel Yesharim, 1843
2706 אל שמע ניחומי אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843.
2707 אל נוה ביתך מהרה נרוץ Maqam Shahawarkh אברהם חזק. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843. Abraham Antebi, Ohel Yesharim, 1843 שמחים
2709 אל טוב וסלח אשם לי Maqam Hijaz אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843.
2710 אודה לאל בכל לבי Maqam Bousaliq אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843.
2711 אל נסי מנת חלקי וכוסי Maqam Tahir אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843. Abraham Antebi, Ohel Yesharim, 1843
2712 אלי צורי וגואלי Maqam Ajam אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843. Abraham Antebi, Ohel Yesharim, 1843
2713 אבירי לב לי תשמעו Maqam Ajam אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843. Abraham Antebi, Ohel Yesharim, 1843
2715 אפצח רנה וצהלה Maqam Rast אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843. Abraham Antebi, Ohel Yesharim, 1843
2716 אתה הוא מלכי Maqam Rast אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843. Abraham Antebi, Ohel Yesharim, 1843
2718 אב רם על כל רמים Maqam Iraq אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843. Abraham Antebi, Ohel Yesharim, 1843
2719 אל שוכן רום ותחתיה Maqam Iraq אברהם חזק. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843. Abraham Antebi, Ohel Yesharim, 1843
2721 אשיר שירים בליל שמורים Maqam Bayat אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843.
2722 אל נורא ואיום עמי Maqam Bayat אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843.
2724 אלהי מעוזי ומנוסי Maqam Bayat אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843.
2726 אם בעיו לי תבעיון אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843.