October 23, 2024 ~ Shabbat BERESHIT. RAST.

Joey Mosseri

Joey Mosseri

Index of Recordings

Section Pizmon Page Song CommentaryRecordings Application
Qiddush 0.01 1 יגדל אלהים חי Thirteen Primary Jewish Beliefs according to Maimonides. R' Daniel ben Yehuda HaDayan- 13th century- Italy J Mosseri- Saba for Milah
Rast 143 125 רם לחסדך יקוו Raphael Tabbush This pizmon (RAST, page 125), whose title translates as “Great, Your Kindness,” is a song composed by H Raphael Tabbush (d. 1918) to the French melody “Frere Jacques.” The 17th century French song is a nursery rhyme about a friar who has overslept and is pushed to wake up so that he can sound the bell for others to attend the morning prayer services. Throughout history, many versions of this song arose in many different cultures due to the simplicity of the melody. In regards to Tabbush’s Hebrew version, the acrostic is “Raphael” (רפאל) and there are three short stanzas; making it one of the shortest pizmonim in our collection. Although some may dismiss this song as one that is only for the youth, the themes of petitioning God for a good life, for the removal of evil from society, and the future redemption of the Jewish people, make it all the more relevant and meaningful to people of all ages, and not only for the youth. A free translation of the Hebrew pizmon is as follows: First stanza: “Great, Your kindness, they eagerly await… the students of the Torah, they thank you.” Second stanza: “Redeem, O King, the depressed people… and all her enemies, will be destroyed.” Third stanza: “God, from Your goodness, satiate us, and the chosen nation, will affirm Your name.” Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript J. Mosseri & M. Arking
Rast 160 136 דר זבולה Moses Ashear Wedding of David Jack Beyda family. Original Arabic song "Elly Habbak Ya Hana" sung by Om Kalsoum. Ashear used this for Hodaot on first shabbat post Pesah. June 27, 1934. Leaflet J. Mosseri
אל ההודאות
Rast 164 140 אב הרחמן אהבת Ezra Dweck and Gabriel Shrem Wedding of Lew Grazi on his wedding day, 15 Tammuz, 1956. The melody is from "Bint Il Jiran." J. Mosseri
Rast 165 141 גלי על עדן גלי Ezra Mishaniye Azrak Bar Misvah. Shabuot 1947. Leaflet J. Mosseri
J. Mosseri 2
J. Mosseri 3
Mahour 183 152 חי ורם Raphael Tabbush J. Mosseri
Ajam 221.01 176a סוכה ולולב Sukkot. There are many melodies to this pizmon; including Maqam Ajam and Saba. J. Mosseri
Ajam 253 202 מלכי אתה פודי Murad Maslaton Bar Misvah of Sion Maslaton. J. Mosseri
Nahwand 256 206 אודה לאל Raphael Tabbush Tabbush Manuscript I Cabasso - Qaddish
Nahwand 259 207 לנרי ואורי Raphael Tabbush Hanukkah. J Mosseri - EH
שועת עניים
Nahwand 263 209 עליון רם על כל הרמים Shabbat Hazon. J. Mosseri
Nahwand 299.06 237f הדור שומע Raphael Yair Elnadav Jack D. Hidary Bar Misvah. Photograph of Jack David Hidary J. Mosseri
Bayat 320 246 חביבי הב J. Mosseri
Bayat 330 253 רם צורי נעלה Raphael Tabbush J. Mosseri
Bayat 331 254 אל רם ואיום J. Mosseri
שועת עניים
Bayat 372 292 דברי שירתי- מגן בעדי Moses Ashear In honor of birth of Moshe Ashear's grandson. December 10, 1937. Shrem Manuscript Leaflet J. Mosseri
ראו בנים
Bayat 373 293 יחיד אלהי קדם Moses Ashear Hatan Yehezqel Haim Shalom. Tishri 1929. Leaflet J. Mosseri
Mehayar-Bayat 405 330 אשא דעי Moses Ashear R. Jacob Kassin's song. Photograph of H Jacob Kassin and Family J. Mosseri
Saba 461 382 אדום ליי לו Raphael Tabbush J. Mosseri
Saba 472 389 יה אודה לך יה Raphael Tabbush Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript J. Mosseri
שועת עניים
Saba 486 401 יה אלי הנחל לי Raphael Tabbush Should be Bayat. The Arabic of this is called "El Arsiyah" sung by Sabri Moudallal. Hamaoui Manuscript J. Mosseri
Saba 493 406 אערך מהלל ניבי אנכי דוד בן אהרון חסין חזק This pizmon (SABA, page 406), Eerokh Mahalal Nibi, is composed by the most celebrated Moroccan poet, Rabbi David b. Aharon Hasin (1727-1792). There are 19 stanzas in this long pizmon, making the acrostic: אנכי דוד בן אהרון חסין חזק. The chorus of "Likhod Hemdat Lebabi Eliyahu HaNabi,” translated as "In honor of the beloved of my heart Eliyahu the Prophet,” is repeated after each stanza. This song provides a poetic compilation of the various reasons why Eliyahu HaNabi, discussed prominently in 1 Kings, is honored. In addition, the song makes references to Midrash; saying that Eliyahu “is” [a reincarnation of] Pinehas the Priest. The main association of this pizmon is for a Berit Milah, because it is traditionally said that Eliyahu's presence is at each Milah. It is also associated with Shabbat Pinehas (or Balaq), because it is when we read about the story of Pinehas and his heroic actions. In addition, the story of Eliyahu HaNabi is read in the Haftara of this Torah portion. Yabess Manuscript J. Mosseri
Saba 498 413 יחון אל צור יוסף This pizmon (SABA, page 413), whose title can be translated as "The Rock Will Find Favor," is a song associated with the Berit Milah. What makes this song unique is that it is traditionally chanted while the actual circumcision is taking place. One of the earliest versions of this song can be found in Mahzor Aram Soba (1527, 1560), and it's four stanzas spell the author's first name: Yosef (יוסף). This song is a prayer for God to find favor for this new baby boy who is about to enter His covenant; the Berit Milah circumcision that takes place on the baby's eighth day. The second stanza says that the knife will be taken to remove the baby's foreskin, and this will redeem him from any decrees of pain, danger, and trouble in life. The third stanza says that the baby will be blessed with success (like a strong lion) and wisdom (like King Solomon). The fourth and final stanza continues with a prayer that God will help this baby in merit of the blood of the Berit and will command His angels to always protect him. This melody, which is described more like a chant, cannot be applied to any of the pieces of prayers. Attiah Manuscript Mahzor Aram Soba 1527 J. Mosseri
Saba 506 422 לבת מעונה Raphael Tabbush J. Mosseri
Saba 512.05 429a יודו שמך אלוהים משגבי Shelomo Hazzan Hazaq J Mosseri
Sigah 560 467 יום הנסים והפורקן ישראל Maqam Awj-Oj Purim. More popular in Damascus tradition. Attiah Manuscript Sassoon Manuscript #647 Yabess Manuscript Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript J. Mosseri
אל ההודאות
Sigah 563 468 ענני אל במרחב יה Ezra J. Mosseri
Hijaz 611.01 509 אנא אלי נאמן J. Mosseri
Hijaz 611.3 509c כנר על הגג Melody from Fiddler on the Roof. J. Mosseri
Berakhot ברכות 535 סדר ברית מילה Maqam Saba Berit Milah Ceremony. A recording made by Joseph Mosseri for fathers to listen to on the day before their son's Berit Milah. Mahzor Aram Soba 1527 J. Mosseri
Haqafot 626 541 הנה לא ינום ולא ישן Haqafa #1 in honour of Abraham. J. Mosseri
658 509e יה לחתן הדור Maqam Hijaz J. Mosseri
2114 שיך סלאמה חג'אזי Maqam Hijaz J. Mosseri - Qaddish
4800 חי רם ברך חתן אהוב Ezekiel Hai Albeg Maqam Mahour In honor of Isaac J Shalom, community philantropist. J Mosseri- Pizmon
J Mosseri- Nishmat
4863 מלך רם ונשגב MArking Maqam Ajam The following is a Pizmon written in honor of the wedding of Mary Salem to Victor Dweck that took place on August 27, 2020 (7 Elul 5780) in Farmingdale, NJ. It was written by Morris Arking, Joseph Harari, and Joseph Mosseri. Victor Dweck, son of Eliane and Bobby Dweck, is the Marketing Director of the Sephardic Community Alliance (SCA). The SCA is mentioned in this song. The name of the melody is "Rah Ashghal Fekri" from the Arabic song "Yalli Nawet Teshghelni." Victor Dweck Wedding Song J Mosseri
אל ההודאות
5740 אעתיאדייה חלבייה Maqam Hoseni Just a melody in Maqam HOSENI. J Mosseri
ה' מלך