October 23, 2024 ~ Shabbat BERESHIT. RAST.

Baqashot - בקשות של שבת



The custom of singing Baqashot originated in Spain towards the time of the expulsion (~1490), but took on increased momentum in the Qabbalistic circle in Safed in the 16th century. Baqashot evolved out of the tradition of saying petitionary prayers before dawn and was spread from Safed by the followers of Isaac Luria (16th century). With the spread of Safed Qabbalistic doctrine, the singing of Baqashot reached countries all round the Mediterranean and became customary in the communities of Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Rhodes, Greece, Yugoslavia, Egypt, Turkey and Syria. By the turn of the 20th century, Baqashot had become a widespread religious practice in several communities. The songs principally consist of the praise of God, songs for Shabbat, songs of longing for the Holy Land and so on.

The Syrian tradition was introduced to Jerusalem by Raphael Altaras, who came to that city from Aleppo in 1845 and founded a Baqashot circle at the Kehal Sion synagogue. In this way, the custom of Baqashot became part of the mainstream Jerusalem Sephardic tradition. Another important influence was Jacob Ades (1857-1925), who immigrated to Jerusalem in 1895 and introduced the tradition to the Persian and Bukharan communities. The main center of the tradition today is the Ades Synagogue in the Nahlaot neighborhood, where the leading spirit was Haim Shaul Aboud.

The first Baqashot book, called "Miqra Qodesh," was published in Aleppo in 1864, and only had 43 Baqashot songs. Nine years later, in 1873, a new version of "Miqra Qodesh" came out with more than 70 Baqashot songs. In 1930, the Aleppo community living in Cairo, under the leadership of Hakhamim Aboud Antar, Abraham Shehebar, and Yosef Ashkenazi, published another Baqashot song book also called "Miqra Qodesh," and this is similar to the 1873 book. The Baqashot in our current collection only has 66 songs.

Cover page of "Miqra Qodesh," Aleppo, 1873

Order of Baqashot

1 Kol Beruei כל ברואי מעלה ומטה
2 Adon Olam אדון עולם
3 Yigdal Elohim Hai יגדל אלהים חי
4 Abarekh Et Shem Hashem אברך את שם יי
5 Qamti Lehallel קמתי להלל לשם האל
6 Ki Eshmera Shabbat כי אשמרה שבת
7 Shaar HaRahamim LeAm שער הרחמים לעם
8 Shiru LaEl Nebonai שירו לאל נבוני
9 Elohai Al Tedineni אלהי אל תדינני
10 Eress Haqedusha ארץ הקדושה
11 Hashem Negdekha ה' נגדך
12 Shir Todah LeLohim שיר תודה לאלהים
13 Eli Al Ebosha אלי אל אבושה
14 Shema Qoli Asher Yishma שמע קולי אשר ישמע
15 Yeiruni Yeme Qedem יעירוני ימי קדם
16 Kamah Elohai Tobot כמה אלהי טובות
17 Farshez Alai Miziv פרשז אלי מזיו
18 Todot El Venihohai תודות אל וניחחי
19 Agadelkha אגדלך אלהי
20 Eftah Nah Sefatai אפתח נא שפתי
21 Al Mishkabi BaLelot אל משכבי בלילות
22 Shahar Lehodot Lekha Qamti שחר להודות לך קמתי
23 Shahar Beshirati שחר בשירתי
24 Kol Haneshama Tehallel Ma'aseh Yah כל הנשמה תהלל
25 Qabel Tefilati Shel Boqer קבל תפלתי של בקר
26 Hashem Boqer Eerokh Lekha ה' בוקר אערך לך
27 Odeh LaEl Lebab Hoqer אודה לאל לבב חוקר
28 Yosser BeHokhma Ruhi Beqirbi יוצר בחכמה רוחי בקרבי

"Baqashot of Shabbat", Beirut, 5673= 1913 (Damascus Tradition) Miqra Qodesh: Aleppo, 5624= 1864 Miqra Qodesh: Aleppo, 5633=1873 Shir Ushbaha Hallel VeZimrah. Jerusalem, 1964
1 El Mistater El Mistater El Mistater El Mistater
2 Lema'ankha Lema'ankha Lema'ankha Lema'ankha
PETIHA-Shir Hama'alot BeShub PETIHA-Shir Hama'alot BeShub PETIHA-Shir Hama'alot BeShub PETIHA-Shir Hama'alot BeShub
3 Yomar Na Yomar Na Yomar Na Yomar Na
PETIHA-Mah Ahabti PETIHA-Mah Ahabti Petiha-Mah Ahabti Petiha-Mah Ahabti
4 Yemotai Yemotai Yemotai Yemotai
PETIHA-Kime PETIHA-Kime Petiha-Kime Petiha-Kime
5 Anna Hosha' Anna Hosha' Anna Hosha' Anna Hosha'
6   Darashti    
PETIHA-'Ourah PETIHA-'Ourah   PETIHA-'Ourah
7 Ashir 'oz Ashir 'oz Ashir 'oz Ashir 'oz
  PETIHA-VaAni ashir Petiha-Va'Ani Ashir Petiha-Va'Ani Ashir
8 Odeh LaEl Odeh LaEl Odeh LaEl Odeh LaEl
Qabel Tefilati      
9   Ani Ashava' Ani Ashava' Ani Ashava'
PETIHA-Beron PETIHA-Beron Petiha-Beron Petiha-Beron
10   Odeh El Hai Odeh El Hai Odeh El Hai
11 Adonai Boqer Adonai Boqer Adonai Boqer Adonai Boqer
12 Kammah Elohai Kammah Elohai Kammah Elohai Kammah Elohai
13 Shahar Abaqeshkha Shahar Abaqeshkha Shahar Abaqeshkha Shahar Abaqeshkha
14   E'erokh E'erokh E'erokh
PETIHA-Halelouyah PETIHA-Halelouyah Petiha-Halelouyah Petiha-Halelouyah
15 Yasad Besodo Yasad Besodo Yasad Besodo Yasad Besodo
Petiha- Shir Hama'alot LeDavid Hinne Mah Tob Petiha- Shir Hama'alot LeDavid Hinne Mah Tob Petiha- Shir Hama'alot LeDavid Hinne Mah Tob Petiha- Shir Hama'alot LeDavid Hinne Mah Tob
16 Eress Veroum Eress Veroum Eress Veroum Eress Veroum
17   Yisrael Nosha' Yisrael Nosha' Yisrael Nosha'
18   Mah Nikhbad Mah Nikhbad Mah Nikhbad
    Mi Ladonai Mi Ladonai
    Or 'Elyon Or 'Elyon
    Yah Qadosh  
19   'Ourou Shirou 'Ourou Shirou 'Ourou Shirou
20   Yom Zeh Shirou Yom Zeh Shirou Yom Zeh Shirou
    Petihah-Elekha Adonai Eqra PETIHAH: Yom Qadosh Oumborakh
21 Ki Eshmerah Ki Eshmerah Ki Eshmerah Ki Eshmerah
22   Eshtabeah Eshtabeah Eshtabeah
23   Shir Hadash Shir Hadash Shir Hadash
24 Elav Mi Hiqshah Elav Mi Hiqshah Elav Mi Hiqshah Elav Mi Hiqshah
25   Y'areh 'alenou rouah Y'areh 'alenou rouah Y'areh 'alenou rouah
Qamti LeHallel      
26 Yom Zeh Leyisrael Yom Zeh Leyisrael Yom Zeh Leyisrael Yom Zeh Leyisrael
27   Yodoukha Ra'yonai Yodoukha Ra'yonai Yodoukha Ra'yonai
28 Yah Masse Yah Masse Yah Masse Yah Masse
Yodoukha Ra'ayonai      
29   Yodoukha Melekh Yodoukha Melekh Yodoukha Melekh
    Or Panekha  
    Anokhi Shemi Anokhi Shemi
30   'Ouri Nessourah 'Ouri nessourah 'Ouri nessourah
      Ram Or Gadol Ne'lam
  PETIHAH-Mizmor Shir Petihah-Mizmor Shir Petihah-Mizmor Shir
31   Shalom VaSedeq Shalom VaSedeq Shalom VaSedeq
Yah Elah Rab Kol Hakimah     Yarenou Keqedem
    Male Fi Male Fi
32   Esa Libi Esa Libi Esa Libi
33 Yah Elah Yah Elah Yah Elah Yah Elah
34 Yah Ribon Yah Ribon Yah Ribon Yah Ribon
    Ashirah Na  
    Ani Asaper Ani Asaper
    Mahalalakh Mahalalakh
    Ronnou Ronnou
    Shibhou El Shibhou El
    Yah Melekh Yah Melekh
    Yah Eli Yah Eli
    Yodou Shimkha Yodou Shimkha
    Yodoukha Kol Yodoukha Kol
    Anokhi Eshal Anokhi Eshal
    Yishmorkha Keishon Yishmorkha Keishon
    Melo HaAress  
    Yom Zeh Mikol  
    Ashre Adam  
35 Yom Leyom Odeh Yom Leyom Odeh Yom Leyom Odeh Yom Leyom Odeh
Shabbat Qodesh Yom HaMenuha      
  PETIHAH-Qarob Petihah-Qarob Petihah-Qarob
36 Bar Yohai Bar Yohai Bar Yohai Bar Yohai
  PETIHAH-Odeh Petihah-Odeh Petihah-Odeh
37   Meromim Meromim Meromim
38   Or Sah upashut Or Sah upashut Or Sah upashut
Mi Zot Olah Yefefia   El Melekh Yosheb  
    Mah Na'im Mah Na'im
El Sur Ozi VeZimrat Ya   El Melekh (not the same as above)  
Yoser Hakol Lemi Yahposs   Yom Hashabat qol narim  
Yadekha Tanheni   Mah Nikhsefah  
    El Adir  
    Petihah-Shir Hama'alot  
39   Or Sah oumsouhsah Or Sah oumsouhsah Or Sah oumsouhsah
    Darashti Darashti
40   Adon Yahid Adon Yahid Adon Yahid
41   Yosheb Tehiilot Yosheb Tehilot Yosheb Tehilot
Yeme Harpi Ahabtani   El Adir kabir oumelekh  
    Al Tiga'  
42 Yedid Nefesh Yedid Nefesh Yedid Nefesh Yedid Nefesh
43 Aghadelkha Aghadelkha Aghadelkha Aghadelkha
Yahriq Nedod Na'aman   10 Additional Songs:  
Mah Lakh Yafa Tama   Yarenou keqedem Marom El Hai
PETIHA- Hinne Anokhi Sholeah   Shaddai Ram Kol Beruei Ma'lah
Kol Beruei Ma'lah      
    Azammer Shir Hadash Yah El Gadol
PETIHA- Ubtoratekha Hashem Elohenu Katub Lemor Shema Yisrael...
Shenat Yesha'   Shabbat Aqoum Adon 'Olam
Adon Olam   Ram Or Gadol Ne'lam Abarekh Et Adonai
Abarekh Et Adonai   Ronnou Gilou  
    Yah El Gadol  
    Marom El Hai  
    Yah Elah Debishmaya  
    Yabo Dodi  
    18 Songs by H Eliahou Hamaoui  
    last song: Or 'Elyon Meir Kasapirim.  
TOTAL 36 songs 43 songs, 12 Petihot 72 Baqashot songs, 13 Petihot, 10 additional songs, 18 Hamaoui songs 66 songs, 13 Petihot

In the 9 years from 1864 to 1873, there was a huge surge in baqashot and pizmonim. Small reduction of songs from 1873 to 1964.

Cover page of "Miqra Qodesh", Cairo, 1930

Index of Pizmonim

Pizmon Page Song CommentaryRecordings Application
0.5 אל יקשיב לקול תחנוני אבטליון Maqam Nagriz Yabess Manuscript
1 8 אל מסתתר Abraham Maimom Maqam Hoseni Opening song of the Shabbat Baqashot. Hoseni. "El Mistater" is an allusion to Isaiah 45:15. A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
E. Sayegh
E. Menaged
Ohabe Zion 1960
2 9 למענך ולא לנו Maqam Bayat This song discusses redemption. Bayat. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 E. Menaged
E. Sayegh
Ohabe Zion 1960
3 10 יאמר נא ישראל Israel Najara Maqam Rahawi Nawah Each verse ends with word "yom" (day). Nawah. A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 E. Menaged
E. Sayegh
E. Sayegh Peticha
4 12 ימותי קלו Israel Najara Maqam Sigah Sigah. Job 9:25. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 E. Menaged
E. Sayegh
E. Sayegh Peticha
Ohabe Zion 1960
פתיחה 13 פתיחה - כימי E. Sayegh Peticha
5 14 אנא הושע Israel Najara Maqam Sigah Sigah. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 E. Menaged
E. Sayegh
Ohabe Zion 1960
6 15 אשיר עוז Israel Najara Maqam Sigah Sigah. Psalm 59:17. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
Ohabe Zion 1960
7 16 אודה לאל Shemaya Maqam Saba Saba. "Hoqer Leb" is found in Jeremiah 17:10. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
Ohabe Zion 1960
8 16 אני אשוע Yosef Sitehon Maqam Bayat Bayat. Written by H Yosef Abraham Sittehon (1813-?). Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
Ohabe Zion 1960
9 17 אודה אל חי Yehuda Kassin Maqam Hoseni Aleph Bet (acrostic). Hoseni. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
Ohabe Zion 1960
9.5 קבל תפלתי של בוקר Damascus tradition only.
10 20 ה' בוקר Shelomo Ibn Gabirol Maqam Hoseni Hoseni. Psalms 5:4. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
I. Cabasso
M. Tawil
G. Shrem
Moshe Dwek
Moshe Dwek - HM
ה' מלך
11 20 כמה אלהי טובות שבתי Maqam Hoseni First seen in the Romanian Mahzor. Kushtah, 1574. Hoseni. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
Ohabe Zion 1960
12 21 שחר אבקשך Shelomo Ibn Gabirol Maqam Rahawi Nawah Nawah. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
13 21 אערוך צפצופי Abraham Maqam Rahawi Nawah First seen in "Miqrah Qodesh", 1864. Nawah. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
14 22 יסד בסודו יוסף בן הרב Maqam Mehayar-Bayat Acrostics: "Yosef ben Harav." The composer was related to the Maran, Rav Yosef Cairo. The original way to sing this entire song is with the same tune as the first and second verses, however, the Israeli community added different tunes for the middle stanzas in order to enhance the pizmon. It is an Aleppo tradition to sing this song at funeral in the process of following the coffin. Mehayar-Bayat. "Barukh Sheamar" refers to the daily prayer that starts the Zemirot blessing. A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
R Barzani- Semehim
15 24 ארץ ורום Abraham Ibn Ezra Maqam Saba Saba. Discusses the seven days. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
E. Menaged
D Binker-Duek
16 25 'ישראל נושע בה Yaakob Abadi Maqam Mehayar-Bayat Mehayar. Written by H Yaaqob Abadi (?-1876). Mehayar-Bayat. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
Ohabe Zion 1960
17 26 מה נכבד Mordekhai Labaton Maqam Saba Saba. Written by H Mordekhai Labaton (1780-1869). About the importance and centrality of Shabbat. Saba. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
G. Shrem
Ohabe Zion 1960
Nahari- Shavat
Moshe Dwek
שועת עניים
18 27 מי לה' אתי Mordechai Abadi Maqam Bayat First seen in "Miqrah Qodesh", 1883. Bayat. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
Ohabe Zion 1960
19 28 אור עליון Eliahu Hamaoui Maqam Bayat Bayat. Written by H Eliahou Hamaoui (1840-1915) for H Eliahou Dahab. Bayat. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
E. Menaged
E. Menaged 2
Naftali Tawil- Qaddish
20 28 עורו שירו שיר Ezra Attiah Maqam Saba The acrostic on "Ouru Shiru" spells Ezra Hazak. The last line also bears the name of his father "Chazak...nechamot Yeshaya" ... Chai gam Ataya (Attia). Saba. Ezra Attia Manuscript Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 E. Menaged
R Barzani- Semehim
I Cabasso- SA
21 29 יום זה שירו Mordechai Abadi Maqam Mehayar-Bayat This song (MEHAYAR / RAHAW, page 29), considered the most popular of the Baqashot collection, is composed by the great rabbi H Mordekhai Abadi (1826-1884) of Aleppo, Syria. Other compositions by H Abadi can be found in "Dibre Mordekhai" (Aleppo, 1873). Although the acrostic is “Yosef Binyamin Hazaq," H Abadi's name is hinted to in the song. The theme of the song is to encourage the people to enjoy the Shabbat by singing to God. According to the chorus, the Sabbath is special because it is a time of rest from work, and it is our inheritance to be happy on this very blessed day. Throughout the 5 stanzas, there are many allusions to verses from the Tanakh. The final verse is a charge to strengthen those in the community who wake up pre-dawn to sing the Baqashot; reminding them “these are your lives to reach strengths and to dwell in the courtyards in the House of God." Besides for singing this during the Baqashot, this song is also customarily heard on the table during the Shabbat meal. A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 E. Menaged
Moshe Dwek
22 30 יום קדוש ומבורך Raphael Tabbush Maqam Saba Petiha (introduction) written by H Rephael Tabbush (1830-1918). Saba. Tabbush Manuscript Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 E. Menaged
23 30 כי אשמרה שבת Abraham Ibn Ezra Maqam Saba Saba. A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 E. Menaged
Ohabe Zion 1960
R Barzani- Semehim
Charlie Chehebar- Qaddish
I Cabasso- SABA- Semehim
Moshe Dwek - Nahwand melody
Moshe Dwek - Semehim (AJAM)
24 31 אשתבח בתהלות Abraham Sitehon Maqam Iraq Maqam Iraq. Written by H Abraham Sittehon (?-1816). Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
E. Menaged
G. Shrem
25 33 שיר חדש זמרו Shemuel Moursiye Maqam Mehayar-Bayat This pizmon (BAQASHOT, page 33), whose title translates as "Sing A New Song," is composed by H Shemuel Moursiye (acrostic: Shemuel Hazaq) of Aleppo. There are six stanzas in this song, and each stanza ends with a Biblical reference to a verse with God's name. This song recalls a historic event of what was perceived as a miracle for Aleppo's Jewish community. In Aleppo, in the year 1850 (Hebrew year 5611 = as seen by numeric value of the word 'קשורה' in the fifth stanza), on the 11th day in the month of Heshvan, there was a Muslim attack against the Christians. The Muslims took their possessions, killed many, and burnt churches. Apparently, just when the Christians thought that they were safe, on the second day of Kislev (the following month), a new leader of Aleppo arose, further attacked the Christians, and most of their community was pillaged. In all this chaos, the assets of the Jewish community were spared and undamaged. The author attributes the safeguard of the Jewish community to the Jewish community’s robust safeguarding of the Sabbath and the holidays. This piece was written in appreciation to God for saving the community and as a prayer for redemption against all future attacks. The melody of this is classified as Maqam Mehayar-Bayat, and it can be applied to Shav'at Aniyim. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
שועת עניים
26 34 אליו מי הקשה Abraham Ibn Ezra Maqam Sigah Sigah. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
E. Menaged
Ohabe Zion 1960
27 35 יערה עלינו רוח Yaakob Abadi Maqam Rast Written by H Yaaqob Abadi (?-1876). Rast. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
בפי ישרים
27.5 קמתי להלל לשם האל Damascus tradition only.
28 35 יום זה לישראל Isaac Luria Maqam Mehayar-Bayat Mehayar-Bayat. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
E. Menaged
Ohabe Zion 1960
29 37 יודוך רעיוני Israel Najara Maqam Rahawi Nawah Rahawi Nawah. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
E. Menaged
30 37 יה מסי כבין רחמנא אסי כביהון לעם דנא David Yaaqob Pardo Maqam Mehayar-Bayat Aramaic. Mehayar-Bayat. Nawah. Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
E. Menaged
בפי ישרים
31 39 יודוך מלך Mordechai Abadi Maqam Rahawi Nawah Written by H Mordekhai Abadi (1826-1883). Rahawi Nawah. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
E. Menaged
G. Shrem
G. Shrem
Ohabe Zion 1960
Yaaqob Bozo - Shavat Aniyim
Moshe Dwek - HM / Halleluya
אל ההודאות
32 40 'אנכי שמי ה David Dayan Maqam Hoseni Alluding to theTen Commandments. Hoseni. Archives
E. Menaged
E. Menaged 2
G. Shrem
Recording- Nahwand
אל ההודאות
33 41 עורי נצורה Menashe Sitehon Maqam Rahawi Nawah Nawah. Written by H Menashe Sittehon (?-1876). Alludes the different Amidah of Shabbat blessings (Arbit, Shaharit, Musaf, and Mincha). By Menashe Sitehon. In honor of Ezra Rabia. Rahawi Nawah. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 G. Shrem
E. Menaged
E. Menaged 2
G. Shrem
Yaaqob Bozo - Shavat Aniyim
Ram Mizrachi- Qaddish
ראו בנים
34 42 רם אור גדול Raphael Tabbush Maqam Rahawi Nawah Written by H Rephael Tabbush (1830-1918). Rahawi Nawah. Tabbush Manuscript A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 G. Shrem
E. Menaged
E. Menaged- Nishmat
G. Shrem
Ohabe Zion 1960
Isaac Cabasso- Qaddish
Charlie Chehebar- Qaddish
34.9 43 מזמור שיר ליום השבת Each verse chanted in a different maqam. During the Baqashot session, this is an opportunity to insert pizmonim within the appropriate maqam. Archives
E Menaged
E Menaged
35 43 שלום וצדק נשקו Shelomo Laniado Maqam Hoseni Hoseni. Attiah Manuscript Abraham Sitehon Manuscript Yabess Manuscript A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
Ohabe Zion 1960
Moshe Dwek
אל ההודאות
35.5 יה אלה רב כל חכימא יצחק Damascus tradition only.
36 44 יראנו כקדם נפלאות Isaac Ben-Atar Maqam Bayat In honor of Ye'uda Ben-Atar, by Yis-hak Ben-Atar. Bayat. Attiah Manuscript Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
36.5 חי ונעלם Haim S Aboud Ohabe Zion 1960
37 45 מלא פי שירה Raphael Tabbush Maqam Ajam Ajam. A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
Yosef Hamaoui
I. Cabasso
G. Shrem
G. Shrem
Ohabe Zion 1960
D Tawil- Nishmat
Moshe Dwek - Qaddish
Moshe Dwek - Qaddish , Rau Banim
38 46 אשא לבי Eliahu Sasson Maqam Hoseni Written by H Eliahou Sasson (?-1869). Hoseni. A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
I. Cabasso - Mimisrayim
G. Shrem
Ohabe Zion 1960
Isaac Cabasso- Mimisrayim
I Cabasso- Mimisrayim
Moshe Dwek
Moshe Dwek - Mimisrayim
39 46 יה אלה מלכות עלם Israel Najara Maqam Hoseni Hoseni. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
40 47 יה רבון עלם Israel Najara Maqam Rast Rast. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
Ohabe Zion 1960
41 48 אני אספר Mordechai Abadi Maqam Rast This pizmon (BAQASHOT, page 48), translated as "I Will Explain," is a song that was written in order to glorify the observance of the Shabbat. The pizmon, whose melody is classified as both Maqam IRAQ or RAST, is part of the Baqashot collection; songs chanted pre-dawn prior to Morning services on Shabbat. The author is one of the most important Hakhamim of Aleppo, H Mordekhai Abadi (1826-1884), as illustrated by the song's acrostic "Ani Hu Mordekhai Ben L'Yaaqob Abadi Hazeq Amess” (אני הוא מרדכי בן ליעקב עבאדי חזק אמץ). This is one of seven songs in the Baqashot section authored by H Mordekhai Abadi. In one of the longest songs in our canon (28 stanzas), the author poetically enumerates all 39 Melakhot (forms of labor) that are prohibited on Shabbat. Despite all the prohibitions, the Sabbath day is considered "a delight," and those who participate in the Sabbath observance are entitled to great merit. Of all the songs encountered in the Aleppo tradition, this song seems to be the most focused on Halakha (Rabbinic Jewish law). The melody of this song is most commonly applied to Semehim for prayer services in Maqam RAST. A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
Yosef Hamaoui
G. Shrem
Ohabe Zion 1960
I Cabasso- Semehim
E Menaged
42 51 מהללך ורוב גדלך Mordechai Abadi Maqam Rast Written by H Mordekhai Abadi (1826-1883). Lists the seven heavens. Rast. A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
Yosef Hamaoui
E. Sayegh
I. Cabasso - Qaddish
M. Kairey
M. Kairey (Domamim)
G. Shrem
G. Shrem
D Riahi- Nishmat
Isaac Cabasso- Nishmat
I Cabasso- Domamim- Qaddish
I Cabasso- Qaddish (Domamim)
E Menaged
David Franco - Nishmat and Reading in Maqam RAST
43 52 משמים שלום לעם Mordechai Abadi Maqam Rast Written by H Mordekhai Abadi (1826-1883). Rast. A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
G. Shrem
Ohabe Zion 1960
H Mousa Basul- Qaddish
D Riahi- Qaddish
E Menaged- Naqdishakh
E Menaged
Moshe Dwek
Moshe Dwek - Naqdishakh
Moshe Dwek - Naqdishakh
Moshe Dwek - Naqdishakh
44 53 רונו ושבחו לאל Raphael Tabbush Maqam Rahawi Nawah Composed by H Rephael Tabbush. Lahn: Ya Badri Toman Roqli. Rahawi Nawah. Attiah Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
G. Shrem
G. Shrem
Ohabe Zion 1960
45 54 שבחו אל עדת ישראל Shalom Kafif Maqam Bayat Bayat. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
46 54 יה מלך רם Yehuda Ezra Attiah Maqam Nahwand Nahwand. Written by H Yehudah Attieh (?-1905). Consists of all the composers of the Baqashot. Archives
Y Nahari- Qaddish
Ohabe Zion 1960
47 55 יה אלי נכספה נפשי Nissim Lofez Maqam Iraq Written by H Nissim Lofez (1833-1894). Iraq. Archives
48 56 יודו שמך איום Isaac Cohen Maqam Bayat Bayat. Archives
49 57 יודוך כל המיחלים David Kassin Maqam Saba Written by H David Kassin (1789-1877). Saba. A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
E. Menaged
E. Menaged 2
I. Cabasso
Yaaqob Dwek- Qaddish
50 58 אנכי אשאל Maqam Mehayar-Bayat Written by H Ezra Swed (?-1884). Mehayar-Bayat. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
51 59 ישמרך כאישון Yehuda Attiah Maqam Saba Written by H Yehudah Attieh (?-1905). Lahn: Mani Ya Youmma Mani. Saba. Shire Zimrah, Algiers, 1889 Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
52 60 יום ליום אודה Israel Najara Maqam Sigah Sigah. A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
M. Kairey
Ohabe Zion 1960
E Menaged
שועת עניים
52.5 שבת קדש יום המנוחה יעקב Damascus tradition only. Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript
53 61 בר יוחאי נמשחת Shimon Labi Maqam Sigah The pizmon "Bar Yohai" (SIGAH, page 61), is written by H Simeon Labi (b. Spain, 1486- d. Tripoli, Libya,1585), in honor of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai, a 2nd century Tannaitic sage strongly associated with Jewish mysticism. Rabbi Simeon Labi, whose name forms the acrostic at the beginning of each stanza, was en-route to the Land of Israel, but on his way, he was stopped in Tripoli. Upon seeing the community's low spiritual situation, he decided to stay there his entire life, where he contributed to their revival of Jewish life. Excluding the first line, which is meant to be a repeating verse, there are ten stanzas to this song; all filled with rich allusions to Bar Yohai's life. In our tradition, there is a slow melody and a fast "Beirut" melody to this song. During the Baqashot of Shabbat, we use the slow melody for the first and last stanzas, and the fast melody for all the middle stanzas. On Lag La'Omer, which is the anniversary of his death, the slow melody of this pizmon is applied to Naqdishakh. A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 G. Shrem
G. Shrem
Ohabe Zion 1960
Beirut Version
I Cabasso - Naqdishakh
Y Bozo- Naqdishkah
54 62 מרומים ישכון Mordechai Abadi Maqam Sigah Written by H Mordekhai Abadi (1826-1883). Sigah. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
Ohabe Zion 1960
55 63 אור צח ופשוט Abraham I Antebi Maqam Sigah Written by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), chief rabbi of Aleppo, and author of “Ohel Yesharim” (Livorno 1822). This melody of the pizmon was intended to be that of EL MISTATER. However, this is not the tune that is currently practiced. Sigah. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
Ohabe Zion 1960
56 65 מה נעים נאוה Maqam Sigah Written by H Mordekhai Abadi (1826-1883). Sigah. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
E. Menaged
E. Menaged 2
56.5 אל צור עוזי וזמרת יה משה Damascus tradition only.
56.6 יוצר הכל למי יחפוץ ישראל חזק Maqam Saba Damascus tradition only. Saba or Bayat.
57 66 אור צח ומצוחצח Maqam Sigah Written by H Shelomo Menaged (19th century). Sigah. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
Ohabe Zion 1960
58 67 'דרשתי את שם ה David Sitehon Maqam Mehayar-Bayat Mehayar-Bayat. Archives
E. Sayegh
Ohabe Zion 1960
59 67 אדון יחיד Menashe Sitehon Maqam Sigah Alludes to the Ten Sefirot that God used to create the world. Written by Menashe Sittehon (?-1876), in honor of Isaac Harari. Sigah. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 I. Cabasso - Semehim
G. Shrem
Ohabe Zion 1960
Eliahou Ozen- Semehim
I Cabasso- Semehim
Moshe Dwek
Moshe Dwek - Semehim
60 69 יושב תהלות Yosef Sitehon Maqam Sigah Sigah or Bayat. Written by H Yosef Sittehon (1813-?). Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
G. Shrem
Ohabe Zion 1960
D Binker-Duek: Rahet El Arwah version
60.1 ימי חרפי אהבתני ישראל חזק Damascus tradition only. Saba. Sigah.
61 69 ידיד נפש Elazar Azkari Maqam Sigah 16th century. He defines this piyut as “a supplication for union and the desire of love”. Sigah. A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
I. Cabasso
G. Shrem
Ohabe Zion 1960
R Elnadav
Moshe Dwek - Nahwand melody
Moshe Dwek - Sigah version
Moshe Dwek - Mimisrayim (Sigah)
Moshe Dwek - Naqdishakh (Sigah)
62 70 אגדלך אלהי Abraham Ibn Ezra Discussing the relationship between man and the Creator. There are many emotions here including the mortality of man. There is more than one melody to this song; According to H. Kaire, it could be in Sigah (melody: Adon Yahid Yasad), Nahwand (Atah El Kabir), other popular Nahwand tune, or Mehayar Bayat (Mamlekhot Ha'ares). Attiah Manuscript Yabess Manuscript Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
M Habusha
Ohabe Zion 1960
R Barzani- Naqdishakh
Moshe Dwek - Qaddish (Nahwand)
62.5 ירחיק נדוד נעמן ישראל Damascus tradition only.
62.6 מה לך יפה תמה מאיר Damascus tradition only.
63 70 מרום אל חי שוכן ערבות Raphael Tabbush Maqam Rast Appeared in Tabbush's 1888 pizmonim book. It is written in honour of H Moshe Ashkenazie. Rast. Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript F. Yanani
Yom Tob Yanani
64 71 כל ברואי מעלה ומטה Shelomo Ibn Gabirol Maqam Sigah Sigah. A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 M. Nadaf- Selihot tune
Iraqi Recording
65 72 יה אל גדול ונאדר Raphael Tabbush Maqam Saba This pizmon first appeared in Tabbush's 1888 pizmonim book. It is listed as Maqam Hijaz. It was written in honour of H Yaaqob Barzani. Saba. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 M. Nadaf
I. Cabasso
G. Shrem
Nahari- Semehim
Nahari- Naqdishakh
65.5 שנת ישע החישה נא שלמה Maqam Bayat Damascus tradition only. Yabess Manuscript
66 73 אדון עולם אשר מלך Maqam Nahwand God's power over the world. Nahwand. A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 G. Shrem
G. Shrem - Odekha
G. Shrem
66.5 74 אברך את יי אשר יעצני David Franco - Maqam Sigah