January 15, 2025 ~ Sh SHEMOT. Maqam RAST / BAYAT.
Digital Music Archive of the Sephardic community of Aleppo
طقوسي التقاليد والتسجيلات الموسيقية في المجتمع اليهودي السفارديم حلب السورية
כֶּמִנְהַג אָרַם צוֹבָא - ק"ק חַלַף
David Matouk Betesh DMD dedicates this project in memory of his Great Grandfather, Hazzan Gabriel A Shrem, and in honor of his dear teacher, Hazzan Isaac J Cabasso.
לזָכּוֹת בּוֹ הַרָבִּים
שְנַת חַמֶשֵת אַלָפִים שְבַע מְאוֹת שִשִים וּשְתַיִם לְיֶצִירָה
דברי ירמיהו | שמות |
מקאם ראשט | נגונים |
מהללך | נשמת |
מגן ישעי | שועת |
ההודאות | |
קדיש | |
שמחים | |
רם ונעלם בנה אולם | ממצרים |
נקדישך | |
אל מאד נעלה | פזמון ספר תורה |
For Shabbat Shemot (Exodus 1:1- 6:1), Maqam RAST is traditionally applied to the prayers according to SUHV (Red Pizmonim Book) and at least 20 other sources. This maqam, defined as 'head' in Arabic ('Ras'), represents a beginning, and is applied when we begin a new book. This relates here, because Shemot is the first Torah portion in the Book of Exodus. Dissenting opinion of using Maqam BAYAT (~16 sources), which sounds like the word 'bat' (daughter), is of significance, because Pharaoh allows all the Hebrew daughters ('bat') to live. PIZMON SEFER TORAH: El Me'od Na'ala (page 266); reference to Moshe and Aaron, both introduced in this week's portion. Sephardic Pizmonim Project, www.pizmonim.com.